Seteth×Leonie Support Conversations
C Support
レオニー: ……あれ? セテスさん?
Leonie: Oh! Hello, Seteth.
セテス: おや、レオニーか。気も釣りをしに来たのか?
Seteth: Hello, Leonie. I imagine you are here to fish?
レオニー: はい、ここはよく釣れますからね。セテスさん、釣りは得意なんですか?
Leonie: Yeah, this is a great spot for it. You must be a pretty experienced fisherman, huh?
セテス: 長いこと嗜んではいるが、上手い下手で言えば初心者にも劣るだろうな。
Seteth: Actually, while I have enjoyed the hobby for a long time, I must admit I am less than proficient.
レオニー: 確かに……全然、釣れてませんねえ。
Leonie: Now that you mention it, I can see that you're not having much luck today.
セテス: ああ。なにしろ餌が付いていないからな。
Seteth: It is likely because I am not using any bait.
レオニー: えー!? 釣る気なしですか?じゃあ、何のために……?
Leonie: Well, that explains it! But why bother fishing at all, if you're not even trying to catch something?
セテス: 頭を冷やすためだよ。釣り糸を垂らし、水面を眺めていると落ち着くのでね。
Seteth: Truthfully, I fish only so that I might relax. It is soothing to me, to cast the line and watch the water ripple...
My days are busy, even hectic. It helps to find peace and quiet every so often.
レオニー: へえー。でも折角、釣り糸を垂らすなら餌を付ければいいのに……。
Leonie: Oh, that makes sense. Still, if you're going to go to all the trouble, you may as well actually bait the line.
セテス: それはそうなのだが……恥ずかしながら、何が餌になるのかも知らないんだよ。
Seteth: Maybe so. But, to my chagrin, I do not even know what type of bait to use.
I learned to fish by accompanying my wife. She was always the one to bait the hooks.
She would hand me the rod, and I would cast my line. I never paid attention to how the rest was done.
レオニー: あの……セテスさんの奥さんはもう……?
Leonie: Ah. And your wife, where is she now?
セテス: ああ、随分前に亡くしたよ。それで、独りで釣りをするようになったんだ。
Seteth: She passed away, quite some time ago. Since then, I have only to fish on my own. Even so, I... I find peace out here. Bait or no bait. And what about you? Why do you fish?
レオニー: え? 何のためって、魚を獲るために決まってるじゃないですか。
Leonie: Me? Just for the fish, actually.
For me, it's purely practical. Catch a bite now, one less meal to worry about later.
Hunting, fishing... Whatever it takes to get by. That's how I've always done it.
I'm not exactly starving right now, but back then, if I couldn't catch something, I'd go hungry. So getting the hang of it was pretty vital.
セテス: 飯抜き、か。それは確かに切実だな。
Seteth: I would certainly say so. I imagine it is immensely satisfying to catch a fish when the need is so great.
レオニー: そりゃそうでしょうね。切実ですから。釣り甲斐が違います。
Leonie: Probably, yeah. The need makes it more purposeful.
But hey, if you ever want to try fishing for real, I'd be happy to share my bait with you.
And if you catch something, I'll cook it up nicely for you. How's that for motivation?
セテス: 君、料理は得意なのか?
Seteth: Oh, are you a skilled chef also?
レオニー: 凝った料理はできませんけど、美味いと言わせる自信はありますなあ。
Leonie: Can't promise it'll be fancy, but it'll taste good.
セテス: ほう、それはいい。俄然やる気が出るな。
Seteth: Impressive. Wouldn't you know it, I am suddenly overcome with the urge to excel.
レオニー: じゃあ、始めましょう!
Leonie: Great! Let's get started!
B Support
レオニー: セテスさん、こんにちは。……あ、今日は籠にいっぱい入ってますね!
Leonie: Hello again, Seteth. Oh, full basket! Big catch?
セテス: ああ、君のおかげで、餌を付けられるなったのでな。
Seteth: Indeed. Thanks to you, I now know all about the proper use of bait.
レオニー: それにしたって、こんなに釣れます?
Leonie: Even so, that's quite the haul!
セテス: 私なりに釣り方を工夫した成果だな。少し、欲が出てしまってね。
Seteth: I have developed a few tricks of my own as well. In my enthusiasm, I may have gotten a little greedy.
レオニー: 欲、ですか?
Leonie: Oh. Yeah?
セテス: 実際に魚が釣れるようになると、何匹釣ったのかを意識するだろう。
Seteth: Once I started to catch fish, I began to pay very close attention to the number I had caught.
I hear it is not uncommon for one to become preoccupied with that sort of thing.
And when I recalled the prospect of having what I caught cooked for me, the challenge was too tempting to ignore.
But alas, it seems I have gotten a little more preoccupied than is appropriate for my age.
レオニー: 確かに、何匹釣ったってわかると、もっと釣ってやる!ってやる気出ますよね。
Leonie: Well, it's only natural. Seeing what you've already got just makes you curious how far you can take it.
セテス: おかげで釣りの新しい楽しみ方を得た。レオニーのおかげだな。
Seteth: It has made fishing an even richer experience for me. And for that, I must thank you.
レオニー: 大げさですよ。それを言うなら、わたしだってそうです。
Leonie: Don't mention it. Actually, I should thank you too.
セテス: ほう?
Seteth: Oh?
レオニー: わたし、魚を食べたいって時しか釣りなんてしなかったんですけど。
Leonie: Yeah. Used to be, I only ever fished for food. Lately, though, I've been coming here just to relax. I do still eat the fish, of course, but I appreciate fishing in a whole new way now.
セテス: ほう、ではお互いに釣りの新しい目的を得たわけだな。
それで、今日はどっちなんだ?食べたいのか? 休みたいのか?
Seteth: Seems we have both made worthwhile discoveries. So, which is it today? Hunger or relaxation?
レオニー: 息抜きのつもりでしたが、セテスさんが釣った魚を見てたら、食欲が……。
Leonie: I'd only planned to take it easy, but seeing all you've caught has definitely me hungry.
セテス: ははは、後で君のところに持っていこうと思っていた魚だ。好きなだけ食べてくれ。
Seteth: I had planned to bring all of them to you, regardless. Take as many as you please.
レオニー: やったあ! じゃあ、一緒に食べましょう。料理はわたしに任せてくださいね!
Leonie: Hey, thanks! In that case, why don't we eat together? You can leave all the cooking to me!
A Support
レオニー: しっかし、今日はよく釣れましたね!
Leonie: Today was a great day for fishing, wasn't it?
セテス: そうだな。だが釣果では君に負けてしまった。
Seteth: It was. Though I did lose to you in numbers.
レオニー: あなたのほうが大きい魚、釣ってますよ。この珍しい魚を釣ったのもあなたですし。
Leonie: You won on size though. Some of these fish are huge! And it was you who caught this beauty.
セテス: この魚は、背びれ胸びれが羽のようだ。光沢も虹のように輝いていて、美しい……。
Seteth: It is a lovely specimen. The fins are rather like wings, and the scales are reminiscent of a lustrous rainbow.
But I have heard this type of fish does not taste good.
レオニー: 不味くはないですが、味が淡泊な魚ですね。塩焼きより油で揚げたほうが美味しいです。
Leonie: It's a little bland, but it's not bad. You just need to fry it in oil to bring the flavor out.
There are lots of little bones, too, so you need to be careful eating it.
セテス: 流石、詳しいなレオニー。また料理してもらえるか?
Seteth: Truly you are an expert, Leonie. I would be delighted if you would cook for us again.
レオニー: 喜んで。戦争が終わって暇になったら、もっと手の込んだ魚料理もご馳走しますよ。
Leonie: Happily! You know, once this war is over, I'll be able to make even more elaborate dishes. I'm sure none of it will compare to your wife's cooking though.
セテス: いや、君の料理は妻が作っていたのとはだいぶ趣が違うからな。とても楽しみだよ。
Seteth: Entirely different styles. I very much look forward to seeing what you come up with. Yet another reason to end this war swiftly.
レオニー: ははは、光栄ですけど、戦う動機が、そんなささやかなことでいいんですか?
Leonie: I'm flattered, but that doesn't seem like a good motivation to fight.
セテス: いいのだよ。民のためと高尚なことを並べるより……
Seteth: On the contrary, it is better than the usual reasons.
In the heat of battle, it is little details like a friend's cooking that I reach for to find my courage.
レオニー: ……ふふふ。真面目なセテスさんがそんなことを言うなんて意外ですけど。
Leonie: I have to admit, I didn't expect that from you. You're always so serious. But I value our fishing time too. With all the chaos, it's great to have a way to relax.
セテス: いつか君と、心行くまで釣りに興じられるような日が来るといいな。
Seteth: I hope there will come a time when we can fish like this, without worry, to our hearts' content.
レオニー: そういう日を、わたしたちの手で作り上げるんでしょう?
Leonie: Hope's not enough. We need to build that future with our own hands.
セテス: うむ、そのとおりだ。しかし、そんな日が来たら君の手は休まらんぞ。
Seteth: Agreed. But even after that is done, you had better not rest idle. I've grown quite fond of your cooking!
レオニー: ええ、望むところですよ。とはいえ……まずは今日釣った魚を片づけますかね。
Leonie: Don't worry, there's plenty more where that came from! Speaking of, time to handle today's haul.
セテス: ああ、腹が減ってきた。私も手伝おう。
Seteth: Let me lend you a hand.